The Kabbalah of Cocktails

Shake, mix, muddle and garnish with us in an interactive virtual mixology class, while exploring the Kabbalah of cocktails! ⁣

Learn how to create winner Tu’Bshvat themed cocktails at home with mixology expert and proud CYP member Josh Raisin, and have a little virtual l’chaim with your CYP friends while you’re at it. ⁣

Swing by our place to pick up your DIY L’chaim Kit with all of the ingredients you’ll need for the class (+ a bonus limited edition CYP mason jar/shaker), and you’ll be all set to learn how to shake up the two signature cocktails we’ll be covering in the class. ⁣

Bottoms up, friends!⁣⁣


The Deets:

  • Wednesday, 08.03.21 | 8:00 PM | Zoom 

  • Price/kit: $20

  • Swing by our porch to pick up your L’chaim Kit on Tuesday, Feb 2, 7:30-8:30 PM

DIY L'Chaim Kit